
Administrator Module


Manage Account Structures

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The Manage Account Structures option allows Administrators to create new account structures used by webTA. Account structures may also be modified provided there are no accounts in the system using that structure. This option also provides the ability to add, remove, and edit available values for account fields. Account fields that are provided with available values appear as drop down inputs when creating accounts. Finally there is the ability to define cross-field validation rules that enforce the relationships of account field values amongst themselves.

The Manage Account Structures page provides a list of all the account structures available to the system along with a radio select button for performing certain structure specific actions.


Edit the selected account structure. It is here where the available account filed values may be edited.

Clone Structure Only

Creates a copy of the selected account structure and directs the user to the Edit Account Structure page. The new account structure will not be available until it is saved.

Other components such as Account Field Values and Cross-Field Validation Rules not not copied with this function.

Clone All Components

Creates a copy of the selected account structure and directs the user to the Edit Account Structure page. The new account structure will not be available until it is saved.

With this function any Account Field Values and Cross-Field Validation Rules are made available to the new structure.


Deletes the selected account structure if there are no associated accounts.


Directs the user to the Edit Account Field Validations page. From here the user may manage the cross-field validation rules for the select account structure.

New Structure

Allows the user to create a new account structure.


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