
Administrator Module


Build Maintenance

Getting Started

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Pressing Build Now initiates the build operation. All certified T&A records for pay periods prior to the present one will be built. If your agency uses Automatic Build Transmission, the build output will then be transmitted.

The Early Build option is similar to the Build option, but can be run in the second week of the current pay period. This link will take you to a confirmation page with additional information.

The Schedule Build option displays a screen which will allow you to schedule automated builds. Automatic builds happen at the scheduled time, without any human intervention. The results of scheduled builds can be seen via the tasking mechanism, or by reviewing the build history screen.

The Build History option displays a screen listing the previous builds which successfully generated at least one T&A record. From that screen, you can download transmission files or retransmit files via FTP, if that option is configured.

The Compare option can be used to compare a transmission file with the file stored within webTA. This can be useful to verify that no changes have been made to either the transmission file or the most recent build data webTA holds.

When finished, click Return to return to the previous menu.

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