
Administrator Module


Edit Account Field Validation Rule

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This is where an adminstrator may create or modify cross-field validation rules. Cross-field validations are used by the system to enforce certain relationships amongst the account field values. These rules are used by webTA to determine if a given account may be used. They are also used to aid in account creation.

Each cross-field validation rule may have a start and end date that determine the time frame in which the rule applies. Enter these into the Start Date and End Date fields. If either of the Start Date or End Date fields are left blank then the rule's peredod of availabilty is considered to have no start or end boundary respectivly.

Glossary or Terms

The following is a list of terms used to help explain how a cross-field validation rule is assembled.

  • Comparison Operators - These are used to compare a particular account field to a particular value. For example, field1 = ABCD. The available comparison operators are:
    • Equals (=)
    • Not Equals (<>)
    • Less Than (<)
    • Less Than or Equals (<=)
    • Greater Than (>)
    • Greater Than or Equals (>=)
  • Logical Operators - These are used to combine two expressions (leaf node or composite) in a logical way. There are two logical operators:
    • AND - States that both expressions must be true.
    • OR - States that at least one expression must be true
  • Leaf Node Expression - A leaf node expression is the simplest type of expression in a cross-field validation rule. It uses the comparison operators and specifies an account field and the comparison value. For example, field1 = ABCD.

    When specifying the comparison value of a leaf node expression certain wild card characters may be used.

    • % - Used to specify any number of characters with any value. "A%" matches "ABCD", "A123" , etc...
    • _ - An underscore character specifies one character of any value. "A_CD" matches "ABCD" , "AZCD", etc...
  • Composite Expression - A composite expression is made up of two expressions (leaf node or composite) joined by a logical operator. For example, field1 = ABCD AND field2 <= XYZ

Creating / Editing a Cross-field Validation Rule

A cross-field validation rule is comprised of an IF clause and a THEN clause. When webTA applies a rule to an account it first checks that the IF clause is satified by the account. If so, the THEN clause is applied to the account. In this case the account is considered valid if the THEN clause is satisfied. Should IF clause not be satisfied the account is still considered valid for that rule.

On the Edit Account Field Validation Rule page the IF clause and THEN clause are represented in separate tables on the page. Each table is a workspace where the administrator may add and edit expressions, or combine expressions into the one expression used for the particular clause. In order to save the cross-field validation rule, each clause table must contain exactly one expression. However, until that time, the tables may contain as many expressions as necessary.

Editing and creating the IF and THEN clause expressions is done in the same way. The clause tables contain a list of expressions along with a check box by each one. To perform an operation on the table, select the desired expression(s) and click on one of the operation buttons from the button row at the bottom of that table. Some operations require that two expressions be selected , and others require one expression. The indivual operations are explained below.


Combines two expressions with an AND operator. This function requires that two expressions be selected


Combines two expressions with an OR operator. This function requires that two expressions be selected


Negates the selected expression by altering its operators in such a way that the resulting expression is opposite the selected one. This function requires that one expression be selected.


Remove the selected expression from the table. This function requires that one expression be selected.


Splits the selected expression into its two operand expressions. The logical operator in bold is known as the break point. This is where the expression is split. This function requires that one composite expression be selected.


Allows the adminitstrator to modify the selected leaf node expression. This function requires that one leaf node expression be selected.


Creates a new leaf node expression. All selected expressions are ignored for this function.

Other functions


Saves the cross-field validation rule to the database. This function requires that each of the clause tables contain exactly one expression.


Discards any changes and returns to the Edit Account Field Validations page.

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