
HR Administrator Module


HR Administrator Reports Menu

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Agency Status Report

The View Agency Status Report option generates a report of all records that require additional processing for the most recently ended pay period.

Employee Assignment By Supervisor Report

View who-is-assigned-to-who report sorted by supervisor. For an HR Admin, this report will be organization based.

Employee Assignment By Timekeeper Report

View who-is-assigned-to-who report sorted by timekeeper. For an HR Administrator, this report will be organization based.

Active T&A Report

This report returns the current T&A status for all employees in an HR Administrator's agency.

Timekeeper, Supervisor, HR Admin by Organization Code Report

This report is a who-is-assigned-to-what-org data report. The report will list the org code in the first column, the name of the employee having the selected role in the second column, and their user id in the third colummn.

T&A Summary Report (PDF)

This report shows a summary of all T&A Summaries that match the filter criteria in a downloadable PDF format

User Role Report

This report can be used to get a list of active/inactive employees in the system with specified roles.

Final Timecards Report

This report is a final timecard data report. The report will list the name of the employee, their user Id, their SSN (if configured), their Timekeeper's Id, and their Supervisor's Id if the employee have a final timecard.

New Employee Report

This report is a new employee report. The report will list the name of the employee, their user Id, their SSN (if configured), their Timekeeper's Id, and their Supervisor's Id if the employee is new to the system. An employee will remain new until one of their timecards is included in a build.

Uncertified Timecards Report

This report is a uncertified timecard data report. The report will list the name of the employee, their user Id, their SSN (if configured), their Timekeeper's Id, and their Supervisor's Id if the employee's timecard has not been certified.

Unvalidated Timecards Report

This report is a unvalidated timecard data report. The report will list the name of the employee, their user Id, their SSN (if configured), their Timekeeper's Id, and their Supervisor's Id if the employee's timecard has not been validated.

FESI Extract For Agency

This page allows an HR Admin to download a FESI file containing the built T&A records for a specified pay period range. This includes all records that were built during this pay period range.

NFC Bi-Directional Leave Discrepancy Report

Displayed when the overwriting of Webta leave balance with NFC data is not enabled. Highlights the leave balance discrepancies for each employee in the agency.

NFC Bi-Directional Leave Changes Report

Displayed when the overwriting of Webta leave balance with NFC data is enabled. Highlights the leave balance changes made for each employee in the agency.

NFC Bi-Directional New Hires Report

Report of NFC New Hires for the agency which are pending for inclusion in Webta.

NFC Bi-Directional Profile Audit Report

Report of T&A Profile changes that were made by the Bi-Directional interface.

Timeoff Report

The Timeoff report generates a report for the number of hours of leave for weeks one and two for the specified pay period and leave transaction types.

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