
HR Administrator Module


Edit Transaction

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Many transactions are generated automatically by other functions in webTA. However, there are a number of transactions that may or must be created manually.

Approved Recipients

On this form, the Approved Recipients must be created by the HR Administrator. For an Individual Account, there may be only one recipient. For Leave Banks, there may be any number.

Donations to Account

Donors submit online requests and it is up to you to approve the donation before the leave becomes available for use. Click Edit next to the donation you want to edit or approve. Once a donation transaction is processed, it may not be edited.

If you have a donation from outside your agency, you may create a donation record by clicking the New button.

Deductions from Account

Most deductions are created from the T&A transactions as recipients use the donated leave. However, there are a few situations that require a manually entered deduction. Specifically, when donated leave is to be used to liquidate leave without pay, advanced annual leave or advanced sick leave, you must manually enter a deduction.

When you have completed editing transactions click Return.

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