The Timekeeper Delegate Management option
allows a HR Administrator to create a delegate for a timekeeper
or delete existing timekeeper delegate(s). The new delegate will be able to perform all the timekeeper-related duties that the
actual timekeeper can perform.
The Supervisor Delegate Management option
allows a HR Administrator to create a delegate for a supervisor
or delete existing supervisor delegate(s). The new delegate will be able to perform all the supervisor-related duties that the
actual supervisor can perform.
The Project Manager Delegate Management option allows a HR Administrator to assign a project manager delegate
or delete existing project manager delegate(s). The new delegate
will be able to perform all the project manager-related duties
that the actual project-manager can perform.
The Timekeeper Global Change option allows you
to reassign all the employees belonging to a timekeeper to
another timekeeper in the system. This step is necessary
before revoking the timekeeper role from an employee, as you
cannot revoke the timekeeper role if the timekeeper has
assigned employees.
The Supervisor Global Change option allows you
to reassign all the employees belonging to a supervisor to
another supervisor in the system. This step is necessary
before revoking the supervisor role from an employee, as you
cannot revoke the supervisor role if the supervisor has
assigned employees.
When finished, click Return to return to
HR Administrator main menu.