Getting Started
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A Leave Audit Report can be generated to reconcile historical
leave records for a selected employee. The report will display
a line for each pay period that the employee has certified
records in the system.
Initially, the Leave Audit Report contains annual leave data
for the most recent leave year for which the selected employee
has certified records. If the employee has records in the system
for more than one leave year, you can include the other leave
years in the report by changing the Start Date and the End
Date parameters.
The Leave Audit Report is divided into one page for each of the
types of leave that the webTA system tracks. The selector at
the top of the page allows you to change the type of leave displayed
on the page.
The following columns are included in the Leave Audit Report.
- Pay Period - This column contains the number of the
pay period within the leave year as well as the leave year. Pay
period 01 is the first pay period that falls completely within
the calendar year.
- Forward - This column contains the leave balance that
was forwarded from the prior pay period. Usually, this should
be equal to the balance column in the previous row.
- Accrued - The accrued column contains the amount of
leave accrued during the pay period. For leave types which do
not accrue, such as AWOL, this column will be blank.
- Available - The total amount of this type of leave
which is available for use in the pay period. This would usually
be the forward amount plus the accrued amount. For leave types
which are not accruable, this field will be blank.
- Used - The amount of this type of leave the employee
used in the pay period. This is usually the sum from the
T&A data the employee submitted for the pay period. For
annual and sick leave, it may also include Leave Transfer
Program donations.
- Balance - The ending balance for this type of leave for
the pay period. This is usually the available leave minus the
leave used. For non-accruable leave, this is usually the forwarded
amount minus the used amount.
- Max. Available - When you select the Annual from the
leave type, this column appears and shows the maximum annual leave
that is available, which is the sum of the maximum accruable leave
and the forwarded amount minus the used amount.
The Download button at the bottom of the screen will allow
you to download a text file containing all of the
leave records in the system for the selected employee and for the
selected type of leave. The Start Date and End Date selectors are
ignored when this option is selected.
The downloaded file is tab-delimited ASCII, but is configured to
prompt you to open it in your spreadsheet program.
The Download to PDF button at the bottome of the screen will
allow you to download an Adobe file containing the leave records in
the system for the selected employe, leave type and pay period range.
Click Return to go back to the previous page.